RA dictionary of contributors
Allen, Charles John (1862-1956)
21A Camden Road
17/11/2021 11:25:20
1934 electoral register
Aikman, William (1867-1959)
7 Camden Square
17/11/2021 11:22:22
Transactions of the Society Instituted at London for the Encouragement of Arts, More ...
Aikin, Charles Rochemont (1775-1847)
33 Great James Street
17/11/2021 10:51:50
1839 Transactions of the Society of Arts, 1841 & 1851 census, place of death
Aikin, Arthur (1773-1854)
7 Bloomsbury Square
16/11/2021 17:06:10
1841 census, place of death
Aikin, Charles Rochemont (1775-1847)
7 Bloomsbury Square
16/11/2021 17:03:32
1848 PO directory, 1851 & 1861 census
Aglio, Augustine Lewis Gaetano (1816-1885)
27 Oval Road
16/11/2021 16:53:02
Place of death
Aglio, Augustine Lewis Gaetano (1816-1885)
36 Gloucester Crescent
16/11/2021 16:34:34
1871 & 1881 census, 1865 PO directory
Aglio, Augustine Lewis Gaetano (1816-1885)
87 Agar Grove
16/11/2021 16:30:46
Pigots 1839, 1841 census, Almanack of the Fine Arts 1850, PO directory 1850
Aglio, Agostino Maria (1777-1857)
12 Osnaburgh Street
16/11/2021 15:55:44
1891 census, https://primo.getty.edu/permalink/f/mlc5om/GETTY_ROSETTAIE2174444
Absolon, John (1815-1895)
52 Chetwynd Road
15/11/2021 16:44:16